The Changing Nest:

A 12-Day Devotional

for the Mom of the Graduate

A digital download with daily readings, verses, and prayers.

A digital devotional that will serve you by:


Helping you name the losses and the good things found within this season of change.


Preparing you for what’s to come so you have more peace where you are now–and where you’ll be tomorrow.


Acting as a come alongside friend who gets how you’re feeling right now–and offers a hopeful perspective on what you can expect in the future.

If you’re the mom of a graduate and the term “Empty Nest” (or “Emptier Nest,” if you still have younger kids at home!) is more a downer than a delight, then I wrote this devotional for you. It’s called The Changing Nest because I believe it more aptly describes our stage of life.

Just because our kids grow up and move out doesn’t mean our homes won’t still be a place of joy and familiarity for them and us.

It doesn’t mean that we won’t still have an important role to play in their adult lives.

It doesn’t mean that we parents are suddenly relinquished to some kind of rocking chair in the corner, the best part of our lives now over.

Our nests may be changing, but they sure aren’t empty.

Grab your copy of The Changing Nest below, and grab onto the idea that while your nest may be changing, it can still be full of good things.

Within The Changing Nest ebook, you’ll find:


Twelve days of stories + solid, meaningful encouragement including a focus verse for each day that will help you have a hopeful perspective of this changing season.


Twelve daily prayers for the mom of the graduate.


A bonus page of Scripture-based prayers for the graduate.


Kristen Strong

Hello there, dearheart!

I’m Kristen, and I’m so happy to meet you. I’m wife to a U.S. Air Force Veteran, mama to three delightful older kiddos, and your change mentor, belonging helper, and all around listening friend. I write as a friend helping you discover a more hopeful view of the difficult change in your life. I love to write stories that help you make sense of your own and help you see your season with more expectation and less worry.

If you’d like to gift a friend with a copy, simply add her email instead of yours at checkout.